Learning Spanish: How Age Affects Learning a Language

se habla español- image by www.allwallpaperswide.comWhen it comes to learning languages, we always say that it is much easier to learn a language when you are very young and yes, this is true but it does leave you wondering why it’s easier, doesn’t it?  Surely, the older you are, the easier it is to understand what you’re trying to achieve, yeah?  Well, let’s have a look …. .

A young child’s brain is often described as a sponge.  It soaks up everything that is going on and, as regards to language, when the same words are heard again and again, the baby ties the words in with what is happening on those given occasions and develops an understanding of context, helping him or her to recognise those words the next time they are used.

A baby’s brain is free from clutter and the child is not trying to reason out those words.  He or she is simply accepting that they mean this or that, as they get this or that reaction or response.  Writing and spelling come later. On the other hand, we, as adults, try to compare our native language with the new one being learnt, we criticise the new language for being wrong when it doesn’t follow the same grammatical rules that we soaked up when we were young and, as a result, we make learning much more difficult.

We must also realise that the young child is living the language and not trying to study it from a Spanish language book, a CD, at a local college or with an online company.  So is this the difference which is staring us in the face?  I would say it is.

Living the language and, by that, I mean living in the country where the language belongs, spanish-lesson- image by condadodealhamaservices.commeans you are getting access to hearing the words again and again, seeing them being used in context with the situation which is unfolding and understanding the reactions and responses  that those words bring.  Just like baby!

While a teenager’s brain may still be a little uncluttered, the average adult is juggling many thoughts at the same time and so learning a new language can only benefit from pulling oneself away from ‘life as you know it’ and concentrating on learning the new language, culture and lifestyle, all in one fell swoop.

A short course of four weeks, two months, or (time, circumstances and finances permitting) a course of maybe a year, in a recommended university in Spain, will make learning Spanish a more natural task.  And, as your brain will be busy with all of those everyday needs, getting a professional organisation like Go Study Spain to design your perfect learning curve for you, in the university which suits you most, will make the new learning a pleasure eagerly awaited.

keep calm- image by www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.ukEverything will be taken care of, from selecting the right course and completion of the necessary course paperwork, through to pick-up at the local Spanish airport, securing suitable accommodation and the seeking out of suitable free-time activities to allow you to soak up that ‘whole’ experience.  This means that your classroom-based learning will be enhanced by living the life and every little thing you become aware of will contribute to your learning.

It’s so easy for the stresses of daily life to cause you to put good ideas or desires on hold, so going for a whole chunk of learning means the job’s done.  You’ve achieved your wish and your enhanced future can only benefit from that commitment.